A Strategic Governmental Affairs Firm



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—  clients  —


Advanced Strategies clients include a wide range of industry sectors. We represent a number of local companies as well as
out-of-state corporations with business interests in Louisiana.

Below is a partial list of our clients:

  • Baron and Budd

  • DRC

  • Entergy

  • Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady

  • Jacobs Entertainment Inc.

  • Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association

  • Louisiana Society of Interventional Pain

  • Louisiana Video Gaming Association

  • Waste Management, Inc.


As the person responsible for governmental affairs of a Louisiana gaming company and the current President of the Louisiana Video Gaming Assoc., I have the utmost respect for the incredible work of Advanced Strategies and Alton Ashy. His insight for timing has benefited our company and our industry.
— Stan Guidroz VP of Louisiana Operations Jacobs Entertainment, Inc.
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